Debt and the Family Series

The Centre has been asked by the Consumer Credit Counselling Service (CCCS) to produce three reports within the theme ‘Debt and the Family’ which will look at the impact of debt and changing economic conditions on financially vulnerable households in the UK. There will be three reports within this theme: Debt and Household Incomes (published in June 2011), Debt and the Generations (published in November 2011) and Debt in the Regions (to be published December 2011).

CCCS’ introduction to the series provides further details:
Introduction to the Debt and the Family Series

Debt and Household Incomes 
This report looks at the position of the two main groups of households who seem most at risk – benefit reliant/ lowest income households and lower-medium income households (sometimes referred to the ‘squeezed middle’). The focus is on household incomes as this determines levels of debt and ability to service debt costs. However, we have also looked at the position of specific groups in society such as lone parents, the unemployed, households who rent, and consumers with low levels of financial capability as this can be a more effective way of structuring any necessary policy interventions.

The full report can be viewed here as well as CCCS’ summary report:
Debt and Household Incomes Full Report
CCCS Debt and Household Incomes Summary Report

Debt and the Generations
This report looks at the impact of debt on different generations of households using published research and new analysis of CCCS’s unrivalled client database1. As the UK economy enters a difficult period, many households face hard times and uncertainty. Going forward personal debt will increasingly affect the quality of family life in the UK and the capability of the UK financial services industry to emerge from the economic downturn. Therefore, it is important we understand as much as possible how different generations are affected.

The full report can be viewed here:
Debt and the Generations Full Report

Debt and the Regions
This report will investigate how the effects of the financial crisis are being felt unevenly across the UK with some areas being more heavily affected than others. To evaluate this the report will look into external factors which have an impact, look into the availability of debt advice and how can have an impact and attempt to identify which regions are most in need of intervention.

For more information on the series please contact: